
Payton/Jones Reunion Coming?

It was announced on the 9th that Sean Payton, head coach of the New Orleans Saints, is moving his wife and two daughters to a house in Dallas, and that will be there permanent home. The Saints management has signed off on this as well. The fans are less enthused. Why? Well probably because Payton was a former assistant coach for the Dallas Cowboys and still remains close with owner/general manager, Jerry Jones. The Cowboys current coach is Jason Garrett, who hasn't even coached a full season yet. Payton's contract with the Saints after the 2012 season. You see where I'm going with this?

Now I'm just stirring the rumor pot here, but it does make a lot of sense. Payton's contract in New Orleans being a few more years allows Jones to have a trial run with Garrett as coach. If Garrett works out, then Jones won't go after Payton. But if Garrett doesn't work out, I can bet almost anything that he will go hard after Payton. Coaching for the Dallas Cowboys is obviously the more prestigious and high paying job. The Cowboys will also be a lot younger than the Saints after the 2012 season. Not mention there is all the stuff mentioned in the first paragraph that makes it a good fit as well.

Of course this can all be prevented if New Orleans offers Payton another contract extension. He would not reject an extension because even if he wanted to coach the Cowboys, there is no guarantee Jones will be calling him in for an interview in 2012. Payton is also the man that the Saints their first Super Bowl, and so he knows he is loved there. Also you never know, Payton might move his family back to New Orleans someday.

In conclusion, I think Payton will be staying with the Saints. I think it'd be too hard to leave a team you've gone so far with. Payton is also a huge Dreew Brees fan, and Brees will most likely finish his career in New Orleans. While the move to Dallas makes for a good rumor, I think that's all it will turn out to be. My answer to my own article title? No, there will not be a Payton/Jones reunion coming anytime soon.


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